NCTmentary Ep.1
Wow, it's been a while since i've last written anything down in here -- sorry about that, but it's been some time since NCT's last comeback too. I know i've skipped Dream's We Young mv but i'll check it some time soon. The reason for that is ... THIS. NCT JUST UPLOADED NCTMENTARY ON THEIR YOUTUBE /OR SM'S BUT THIS IS LIKE LITERALLY THEM GIVING US THE THEORY AND IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

... okay i'll calm down and see this through.
1. All the things -- and probably the only section this time
This right here is the video, i'll be talking about:
and here's everything said in it (though it is almost fully in English, i'll put the translation down here --plus the video has captions, but it's easier seen like this):
"NCT shares dreams
NCT each has a tone in his dream
The tones become one and become music
We empathize in dreams
All over the world, we can share our dreams with NCT
NCT is a group focused on
accessibility and expandibility
with no limitations on group members
and thus allows various combinations
What connects NCT is "dreams"
We can always meet in dreams
empathize in our dreams
and become one with music
Definition of dream:
a strongly desired goal or purpose
a series of thoughts, images and sensations
occurring in a person's mind during sleep
Sleep is composed of 5 stages
Each stage cycles every 90 minutes
Stage 1 to 4 are called non-REM sleep
and stage 5 is called REM sleep
Most dreams are performed under the REM stage
We filmed members sleeping
Johnny, our experimenter,
is reading each slide showing members
dreaming in stage 5, the REM sleep
He's looking forward to checking
how dreams are embodied
Now we will enter NCT's dream
using our visualizing operators
We are inside Ten's dream
While dreaming,
chain reactions of memories are happening in our brain
Dreams are affected by expressions of
unconsciousness, past experiences
and daily experiences
And we enter deeper into the dream
Everything is possible, here in my dream."
So, basically i think they just told us how the 7th Sense // or Dream Sync in another name works. They share dreams and are connected by them so they can always meet there ... or in this case everywhere. And as said in the video, they each have a tone in their dreams(?) Does this mean that they actually have powers which relate to dreams? Because in that case whoa the theory must be a thing... Okay for once again let me list down each member and their abilities which are known by now:
Taeil, the Universe and the one the scientists are trying to copy and create
Haechan, the 1st Answer for the Universe or in another words the 1st possible future
WinWin, the 2nd Answer for the Universe or in another words the 2nd possible future
Taeyong, the 1st test subject with no specific power at least known yet
Ten, the 2nd test subject "The Dream Transporter" lol with the power of transporting from a dream to another easily
Mark, the 3rd test subject "The Time Traveller" with the power of travelling in time
Doyoung, the 4th test subject "The Waking One" with the power of ... well telling reality and dreams apart of one another
Jaehyun, the 5th test subject "The Perfect Creation" with no particular power but being perfect himself lmao
Johnny, the 6th test subject and the possible enemy leader
Yuta, the 7th test subject with a possibly yet unknown power
Renjun, the 8th test subject "The Dream Maker" with the power to create dreams although the ability is flawed
Jeno, the 9th test subject with the power to transform himself, other people and objects invisible
Chenle, the 10th test subject with a possibly yet unknown power
Jisung, the 11th test subject with a possibly yet unknown power
Jaemin, the Messenger with umm well not necessarily a power but he is in charge of spreading things to other members. He could be a hidden Answer too.
Kun, possibly the 12th test subject with unknown power
Lucas, possibly the 13th test subject with unknown power
Jungwoo, possibly the 14th test subject with unknown power
I think i'm going to continue this rather constantly since they are going to upload 18 eps and i'm pretty sure they're all about different members so we could know more about their powers. In this ep Ten said at the end: "Everything is possible, here in my dream". I think it could mean his ability quite well or maybe even make it bigger than it previously was. Maybe Ten can transport from dream to another easily because in his dreams everything is possible. And Johnny... he's actually now joined forces with the scientists (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
omg how did i guess his role right if this theory is actually a thing i'm gonna scream and jump out of the window and throw my room upside down i promise lmao
omg how did i guess his role right if this theory is actually a thing i'm gonna scream and jump out of the window and throw my room upside down i promise lmao
I just now realized how busy this theorysite will become if they'll upload one ep in a day or then i'll just continue this forward but maybe not omg lol. Well anyways let me hype about the upcoming comeback and sm spoiling their units and members and stuff
Stay tuned for the next theory! (≧◡≦)
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