maanantai 12. helmikuuta 2018

NCTmentary Ep.2

Here's the episode 2! It turned out quite different than i expected. Somehow am glad that they didn't upload one each day // or maybe it will be on weekdays only, don't know that yet // but hopefully not, because then i'm afraid i wouldn't have time to write these everyday. Anyways let's start the thinking!! lol my English

1. Deep thoughts and tricky quotes

Let me put the video down here again:

Anyway here's what's said in the video:

"When I sing, and as the audience watches,
I hope they know- that's the story he wants to tell
Make them feel the emotions
that I want to deliver and share
I had a dream once
As usual, I got on the stage
with a mic in my hand
Then, all the cheers, gazes, 
and lightning suddenly all disappeared
As I thought to myself, what's happening...?
I dropped my mic"

"Ever since I was little,
it was my dream to become a singer
It still doesn't feel real yet
and it all seems like a dream
I'm going to do my best,
appreciate each day,
and do well
I'll do it well
Where am i heading?"

"It was a dream without a form,
but frankly I don't remember it well
It was a dream consisting only of colors
Colors filled the dream
It was as if they were dancing
and felt like
I was connecting with these warm lights"

(Lucas -- narrator)
Lucas is connecting the machine labelled 'dream'
Lucas enters the deeper dimensions of the dream"

"I saw waves in the dream
It moved the bottom of my heart"

"In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream"

"I feel the most connected when I'm
having a conversation with someone
Or maybe,
when we have something in common
Or when we are making eye contact
Making eye contact is something very special
I think when that happens
there's a small magic that happens
in between each eye contact"

 (Shown as a text at the end)
"Are you dreaming?"

Wow, there's a lot of stuff. Basically they are observing all the dreams like stated in Ep1, BUT there're a few exceptions -- Lucas and (kinda) Jaehyun. But I'll start with the easier ones.

Doyoung's dream seems sort of like a metaphor. I think it could mean that he's given up on something since that's kind of what his dream was about. Not sure on what tho. In case of Jungwoo he seems kind of lost: "It still doesn't feel real yet, Where am i heading?". This makes me believe that Jungwoo must be the most recent test subject they have. And even tho he seems lost he wants to succeed and do well in whatever he's gotten into -- of course we know but he wouldn't.

In Taeyong's case it's obviously a metaphor. His dream doesn't have any form, only colors which could lead me to think that Taeyong actually is the first test subject -- that would explain why his dream is unclear and he has no memory of it. Plus the connecting part: "I was connecting with these warm lights", that has to mean the 7th sense, dream sync.

In case of Mark it seems like he's telling us how making a dream sync is the easiest for him. And that's not all -- he's standing right beside a black flag. Again jumping into google and meanings in dreams. Now according to this site:
"A black flag can mean trouble coming from a woman or a man of wisdom."

 The second site has more meanings:
" black flag can indicate misfortune, grief, disputes or deaths. -- 
 black ones: an enemy will cause trouble, - also: Death, - grief or forthcoming grief. -- 
black ones: Affliction, grief, - tells hostility in,"
Why... just why does Mark always get the worst possible fortunes/futures..? ಥ_ಥ
This scene seemed really odd to me like there isn't anything else odd lol The flag is burning and someone is running towards Mark. I found nothing about this, nothing. I'm guessing this will stay as a mystery for now. I hope we can figure it out at some point.

Now for WinWin. Those two short sentences he said is literally giving me thoughts about The Origin: "I saw waves in the dream, It moved the bottom of my heart". Now watch:

similar, huh? i don't even know how to make this clear, but i didn't know The Origin was this important!! The Origin might actually tell the whole beginning of the theory. No, not might, i think it does. I hope we get more references into it later too. Limitless had its references into The Origin too tho, i hope you remember! (┛✧Д✧))┛ Oh right, i almost forgot, but there was something else during WinWin's scenes too.
Since there's fire i think the sentences fit into the scene very well. I think WinWin has something to do with water. It seems like fire is his fear or something similar and water is the element that soothes him. I don't know if that's anything important, just mentioning it. ^_^

Now looking at Jaehyun's dream ... if it is a dream. Jaehyun's scene made me confused since there was no info when his 'dream' started. Each of the members except Lucas and Jaehyun had a scene which showed the text 'Dream' with their birth dates similar to how you would start the slide Johnny watched in episode 1. I still get the feeling that there's something happening in this 'dream'.
Mostly because of this. Jaehyun is looking at the washing machine he started and sees Mark's dream through it. Plus in his sentences Jaehyun mentions 'visions' and 'dream within a dream'. I'm starting to think that Jaehyun has the ability to see into other members' dreams even without any device -- it could be possibly "installed" into him since he's 'the perfect creation'.

And now for the last, but not the least, Lucas. I'm getting really big vibes from him to be honest. I think Lucas might not even be one of the test subjects or then his case would be similat to Yuta's -- both are some sort of superior beings but yet unkown. Why i think so?
See? This is shown on the device that Lucas 'signed in' on // or as said 'connected'. In a theoretical way S_1 BOSS seems like a rather superior being but actually i think it means the first upcoming comeback mv from NCT U as spoiled lol because there are six parts and only the first opened and shown as BOSS. Since there are six mvs coming, yay! But that's not all yet :P

At this moment the narrator says: "Lucas enters the deeper dimensions of the dream". So... I guess that has something to do with Lucas' abilities. In here it looks like he's being kind of hypnotized and is entering the deeper dimensions(?!?!?!) of dreams. Whatever that means i think Lucas' appearance in Ten's Dream In A Dream would get a significant meaning. I got reminded to that by Jaehyun who mentioned 'dream within a dream'. Plus Lucas connected the machined labelled as 'dream'. Somehow i get the feeling that he could connect dreams the way he wanted to or even make dreams within a dream(?). Not sure how in the universe that would be possible but i hope we get more clues.

I did not expect this theory to grow this large... *sigh* ಠ_ಠ reading it afterwards it even isn't that long lmao it just took some time This one was pretty much only thinking hahah i hope we get to a better conclusion after a few more episodes! I'll wait for the next episode to come up, or a comeback would be nice too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Stay tuned for the next theory! (≧◡≦)

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